Monday, April 11, 2011

Lentil Soup (Indian Inspired)

Sunday night, I made a lentil soup that was really hearty and yummy. I plan to eat it for lunch today, and tomorrow, and maybe stretch it to Wednesday!

The recipes I have are often hybrids of recipes I've used in the past. I'd rather not focus on the amounts of ingredients (unless necessary) because I like to taste as I cook and amounts change depending upon my taste, mood, etc.

Lentil soup (Indian Inspired):

In large pot, drizzle 3 tbsp olive oil
Crush 2 cloves of garlic. Add to oil.
Cut into small pieces one whole large onion. Add to oil.
Let cook until everything is sweating.
Cut carrots and squash into small (almost lentil-sized) pieces
Add carrots and squash. Stir to soften. About 5 minutes.
Add 3 cups vegetable stock
Add lentils, washed
Add Adobo, cumin, cardamom, turmeric, pepper
Cook until lentils are soft. About 2 hours.