This is Day 6, but it's also Saturday. In the past, when I've dieted, it's been much easier during the week, but once the weekend starts, it's all over. There's safety in structure, I think. The interesting thing about waking up this morning is that I was kind of afraid to eat. I didn't want fruits or vegetables. I wanted something baked and sweet. So I just drank my coffee until I felt hungry enough to accept the granola with agave nectar and 1/2 banana. I think I'm OK now.
And this isn't really a diet, at least as I've defined diets in the past. I'm trying eat less and exercise outside of this challenge, which has a way of allowing weight loss. I began this challenge, or "experiment", to do a lot, but weight loss is not included. It would be welcomed, though, don't get me wrong.
I've been looking up vegan recipes and have found a LOT of desserts, which would normally make me really happy. However, since I'm trying to lower my sugar intake, I need to stay away from those. It's becoming evident that people can stay fat and be vegan.
Tonight I think I'll make a masala with chickpeas.